In response to the 12/15/2010 post, “Question What You Do,” a reader writes:
I agree with assessments and using them to gauge the areas of strength and weaknesses. I have done this for years. However, I do not agree that when teaching ELL students we must use the same methods that a mainstream class uses. Scaffolding is necessary for these students. And at this time we are not able to do this at our school. I am directed to teach with worksheets and common assessments; and stay up with the rest of the mainstream classes. That is unfair! This is not equal educational opportunity for ELL students.
SC Response
One of the strengths of U.S. public education is the expectation that we educate every student at a high level. It is a noble endeavor. We teach at full speed to push and pull our students to levels of performance that exceed their expectations. I can’t speak to your specific situation because I don’t know what district you are in or what campus you are on, but I would hope that the instructional resources you use are similar to the ones that non-ELL students have access to. As for common assessments, I would expect your student to participate and I would expect to see growth over time and a shrinking achievement gap. The goal for your classroom must be the same as it is for every other classroom; it just might take a little more time to reach it.
Think. Work. Achieve.
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