Friday, October 14, 2011

A Superintendent Submits... The Fundamental 5 - Doctoral Level Discussions

A LYS Superintendent sent in the following field report.


Hope all is going well. As you know, I’ve been working on my Doctorate. In my cohort, there are school leaders from across the country. Last week my class was discussing how we can help special education and ESL students prepare for state assessments. I drove the discussion to scaffolding the instruction and specifically mentioned Lesson Framing (and quoted the book, The Fundamental 5). Here is a response a school leader in Virginia sent me.

I really enjoyed hearing about how you are requiring teachers to frame their lessons. The Cain and Laird (2011) reference is one that I am familiar with, but have not yet had the time to fully digest.

The use of framing seems to tie-in nicely with Wiggins and McTighe’s (2005) discussion on backwards [or reverse] planning [or design]. The underlying concept to using backwards design when creating a curriculum begins with identifying what you want the students to be able to do at the conclusion [outcome] of the curriculum. Then work backwards identifying critical elements of understanding that would be needed [sequentially] to be mastered by students that would eventually culminate in achievement of the end goal [a bit awkwardly worded I know]. In fact, I am quite surprised that Cain and Laird (2011) don’t reference Wiggins and McTighe (2005) at all in the text.

I would imagine that using the framing strategy would help alleviate student test anxiety and probably provide for more meaningful note taking. It would be interesting to set up a study to measure the effects [if any] of the use of framing. Any thoughts on if research regarding such a seemingly simple action has been completed?


Cain, S. and Laird, M. (2011). Fundamental five. Houston: CreateSpace.

Wiggins, G., and McTighe, J., (2005). Understanding by design: Expanded (2nd ed.). Columbus, OH: Pearson, Merrill Prentice Hall

I just wanted to share a Virginia educator’s viewpoint and thank you for writing a great book. Thought you might enjoy!

SC Response

Heck yeah, I enjoyed this. Our little book is showing up all over the place. For the record, we didn’t mention Wiggins and McTighe because we hadn’t read their book. But the connection to backwards design is one that we highlight when we are training teachers. Once I decide how the student will demonstrate that he/she has mastered the objective, 80% of my lesson plan has been completed.

Thank you for mentioning our work in your class. Having the book discussed in a doctoral course is just crazy, flattering, exciting and beyond anything Laird and I ever imagined. Also, I did notice that the PowerWalks numbers for your district are through the roof. Keep up the good work and remember we’re just a phone call away.

Think. Work. Achieve.

Your turn...

Call Jo at (832) 477-LEAD to order your campus set of “The Fundamental 5: The Formula for Quality Instruction.” Individual copies available on!

Follow Sean Cain and LYS on

Attend the LYS presentations at the Texas School Improvement Conference on 10/26/11 and 10/27/11

Confirmed 2012 Presentations: NASSP Conference; NASB Conference

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